Hello friends! Today I am coming atcha LIVE with some great self care tips that will help you get through any day, no matter how stressful. I decided to write this post because WOW I have been insanely busy these past couple months. It has been so hard to keep up with everything. From the wedding, to the blog, to my oil business, to the fact that tax season has arrived and I haven't even had time to open my W-2's yet. I cannot seem to find time to slow down and breath. This is actually humorous to me because this is the exact reason that I started this blog. To tell all of you to take care of yourself, and remind yourself that the entire world doesn't come crashing down just because you take one day, or even twenty minutes to yourself. So, without further ado, here are my favorite self care tips.
1. Turn off the cellular phone. It's for your own good.
Okay guys, this is one that is definitely hard for everyone, especially because of the fact that social media has mercilessly engulfed all of our lives. I can't even begin to tell you the added anxiety I feel when I'm already feeling stressed out and then I open up Instagram only to see everybody else showing off their hustle, and just straight up killing it in every possible category. Remind yourself that just because you don't post for a couple days, doesn't at all mean that you're not making progress in your mental and physical health. Not everybody needs to know everything all the time. I know, fellow bloggers who are out there reading this, there are many benefits to it, however if it's exhausting you, please, take. A step. Back. You & your health are soooo much more important. Instagram will survive without you for a couple of days.
2. Read a book. Any book!
I know some of you might see this one and want to skip over it, but please, don't! I truly believe that everyone can enjoy reading if they find the right book. Think about what kind of TV shows you like. Mystery, crime, humor, documentaries, ANYTHING! Then find a book of the same genre. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll become hooked on reading. When I'm feeling burned out, I'll read a self help book. If I want entertainment, I'll read a mystery. Some of my favorites are
3. Take a bubble bath. Why? Because you DESERVE it.
This one is my personal favorite. On the weekends that I work & get off at 5, I'll hustle home and draw a nice, hot bubble bath, pour me a glass of wine, turn on some Colbie Callait & boom. Instant relaxation. If you have essential oils, drop a couple of those in there. I love Lavender in mine, and if I'm feeling congested I'll do some Raven. Just feel the relief wash over you. Don't think about work, or any other stressors in your life, just really take in how amazing it feels to finally not be worried about something, even if it's only for a miniscule amount of time.
4. Meditate.
This is one that I definitely have to be better at. I absolutely love sitting down, diffusing some Frankincense and clearing my mind of allll the chaos that's going on around me. Basically, I'll turn on some funky zen music and think about nothing except God and how He's blessed me. I think about everything I'm happy about and I'll thank God for it. It sounds weird, or maybe even difficult, but once you're in the zone, you're invincible, and it's an instant satisfaction. You make yourself happy, thinking happy thoughts. Weird, because you were stressed to the point of your hair falling out 20 minutes ago. It's amazing how powerful our minds can be.
So, there you have it. The four things I do when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Nothing spendy, nothing crazy or time consuming, simply taking an hour to refocus & reevaluate. I hope this was helpful, and if you have any self care tips or advice, go ahead and share them in the comments!
So much love, you guys. So. Much. Love.
Sincerely, Mir