hey, hey, hi, HELLO & WELCOME!
I'm Miriam. Let's get to know each other, shall we?

An Intro of Sorts
For starters, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miriam, but people tend to call me "Mir" for short (pronounced "Meer" like meerkat, not "myrrh"). I'd give you my last name, but with the way this world is going, I'd like to maintain some form of anonymity. Thanks for understanding. ;)
Currently, I live in the Midwest with my super sexy husband and my sweet son. My whole life I wanted out of here (the midwest, not my family, haha), but as I age into my mid twenties, I have come to appreciate the seasons. I would also like to note that I am typing this in the fall, so ask me again in winter time if I really meant what I said and my answer may be different.
The top priorities in my life have changed throughout the years but as of late they have stayed pretty constant. These being, my faith in God as number one, followed by my incredible family along with Mitchell & his family. I am blessed beyond what I can fathom however I'm also 100% human so there are days that I forget that. This blog will hopefully enable me to fully appreciate life & all of it's perfect imperfections, along with promoting a healthy, nontoxic lifestyle.
1. I met my fiancée my freshman year of college. I was still getting over the last guy I was involved with, and made a very serious decision to be done with boys. I then walked in 5 minutes late to my first day of gym class and made eye contact with the super cute boy sitting in the front row. I rolled my eyes as everything I had decided less than 24 hours ago flew out the window. Funny how the best people waltz into your life when you least expect it.
2. I am what they refer to as an, "extroverted introvert". I love being out with loved ones, but I definitely need to recharge afterward.
3. I love coffee shop dates! No matter who you are, what your background might be, if you asked me to grab a cup of coffee, I am always up for it.
4. I've made a lot of drastic decisions the past couple of years, and from this I learned you're going to find people who decide to grow with you through life even though you may change. Never take these people for granted. They are everything.
5. Realizing now this one should have been number one but I'm on a roll and will probably forget to change it, but God is my number one. I grew up in the Word and have zero regrets. He has made my failures easier & all my successes better.
6. My favorite animal is a GIRAFFE. I love them. so. much.
7. I'm not really big on hugs. This fact tends to surprise people but honestly the only person I'm 100% comfortable hugging is my husband and of course, my son. It isn't even anything personal with anybody. If you really wanted a hug, I would give you one, I have simply never been a fan of people being that close to me.
As for the title, "Sincerely, Mir", well, since we're chatting, allow me to explain:
I wanted to find a way to be as personable as possible with my audience. When I was going into 5th grade, my family moved out of state. I started totally over. New house, new friends, the whole deal. Obviously there were many friends I left behind that I missed so dearly. I used to write back and forth with them to stay in touch. This was in the good old days without Instagram DM's and Facebook Messenger. These were real, pen on the paper, letters. With a stamp and all. Anyway; I remember how intentional I would be about ending all my letters with, "Sincerely," because I strived to always let them know how much I cared. It was then that it all suddenly fell into place. It all made sense. This was it. "Sincerely, Mir". Each post being a sincere, well thought out letter to my readers, to show that you are valued & appreciated. Why a sunflower? In this blog I pray to promote happiness. Sunflowers are known to be the happiest of flowers. They are a symbol of faith, loyalty & admiration while often being associated with spiritual knowledge and the desire to seek light & truth. This is another mission of mine. I pray that I am able to help guide you spiritually, as I continue to live my life for Christ. I hope I am able to constantly resonate that through this blog, and I certainly hope that you decide to stick around.
Sincerely, Mir