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Nontoxic Skincare Options

Updated: May 28, 2019

Dear Friends,

Today I'll be talking to all you beauties about skincare. No, not just any skincare. Nontoxic, affordable skincare. That doesn't break the bank, and keeps your skin lookin' freshhh and fine.

Something to remember is that these are not items that are going to be $5 off the shelf of your local drug store. These are high quality, completely natural items that range between 20-90 dollars. When I say affordable, I mean this isn't some chemical crammed R + F or ProActive that costs ya 150-200 bucks (maybe more?¿) up front. These are realistically affordable, and allll natural. :-) So, with that being said, let's get our skincare onnnn!!!

You guys. This. stuff. is. incredible. There's a reason I put this baby at number one! This is what I use to cleanse my face everyyyy night. It gets all my makeup off with ease, and it's so gentle on your face it feels like heavennn! What I have linked is a cleansing oil for normal skin, however they also have a dry skin & an oily skin option!

I know you're probably thinking, "uhhhh Mir why the heck would I cleanse my face with OIL?" and you would be completely correct in thinking so. This is an immensely strange theory. However, brace yourselves, because what I'm about to tell you is craaazy! Ya know when you wash your face with those cheap drug store cleansers and your skin ends up feeling tight? Yeaaah, we don't want that. Those products take everyyything out. Even the stuff our body wants! This cleansing method is based on the scientific principle that like dissolves like, meaning that it utilizes beneficial oils that penetrate deep into pores to dissolve grime and build-up. This age-old method of cleansing effectively purifies and nourishes the skin all while keeping its natural moisture barrier in-tact. So, in short, it naturally dissolves allll the icky stuff that our skin absorbs all. day. long. and leaves all the natural oils that we need to maintain a healthy, glowy complexion. SAY WHAAAA?

As if that wasn't easy enough to sell ya, this stuff is sooo easy to use. Just put half a dollop of oil on your hand, spread evenly across your face, gently remove with a washcloth, annnnd voila! You are make up free and lookin freshhh.

Gals, if you are someone who doesn't use complexion mists because you feel as though it is, "unnecessary," well... you're wrong. I apologize for that coming off a bit harsh, but really. I used to be this person, and now I realize that I am very wrong. This collection comes with three different mists. Geranium, Lavender, and Neroli, and I am telling you that as soon as I tell ya how these benefit your beautiful complexion, you will be completely on board!

First up. Lavender: Soothes irritated and inflamed skin while relaxing the body and mind with its soothing aroma. Sounds dreamy, right? Right. Use this before bed for that instant calming mood.

Geranium: Regenerates, speeds skin-cell turnaround and brings life to dull/tired complexions. Okay, hold up. What the heck is skin-cell turnaround? Well, I'm glad you asked. Allow me to explain. Skin-cell turnaround is necessary for both skin health and appearance. If dead skin cells are not removed from the surface, they present a risk for clogged pores and bacterial infection, thus creating ideal conditions for acne breakouts, which, I don't know about you, but that's a no from me, dawg. Accumulated dead skin cells also lead to a dull, uneven complexion. As we age, our turnover rate slows waaaay down. This is why babies have that healthy, glowing skin that we all envy, and why now, as we get older... and older... our face tends to look, well, dull.

Neroli: boosts moisture and plumpness, balances oil levels and combats acne with powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This one is fairly self explanatory. Use this one on your face when you have that pesky redness!

I rotate through all these beauties on a daily basis. I alternate between Lavender and Neroli at night, before I go to bed, and I use Geranium every morning to wake myself up because as mentioned above, it brings life to that tired morning complexion.

This one is pricy, yes, but I am so dang glad that I took the chance with these. This is my most recent purchase through Primally Pure and I can confidently say that these bad boys are my fav by faaar. I use these oils to moisturize every night. They are insanely versatile. You can use them anywhere on your body, including your face. They go on smooth and easy and they don't leave you feeling oily afterward. This collection also includes three oils. Lemongrass, Blue Tansy, and Jasmine. Do they not all sound dreamy? Ugh. I love. Ready to hear allll the different benefits they provide for not just your face, but your whole body? Ya, me too. ;-)

Blue Tansy: This oil is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory oils on the planet, making it ideal for treating inflamed and irritated skin. Another perk? It smells insaaanely good.

Lemongrass: This is also an oil known for anti-inflammatory but is most well known for its mood-boosting and uplifting properties. I can 100% vouch for this. Lemongrass has one of theee happiest smells, in my opinion.

Jasmine: This oil is high in antioxidants, which help to protect the skin against environmental stressors and reduce the appearance of aging. Jasmine also has an irresistibly sweet floral aroma that calms and soothes those senses.

I, personally, have been alternating between Jasmine and Lemongrass as a facial moisturizer before bed, but as already mentioned, you can use these anywhere, so whatever I have leftover on my hand after I rub in my face, I use on my arms and hands. I have been using the Blue Tansy oil in the morning and thus far it has not disappointed. I take half a pump and dab it on my cheek bones, followed by a touch in the middle of my forehead (just above the middle of my eyebrows), on the bridge of my nose and on the veryyy tip of my chin. This stuff has made my face straight up GLOW and my skin has been loving it ever since my first use.

This was one of the first things I purchased from Primally Pure and I absolutely love it. This cream is incredible for moisturizing your face, neck & décolletage. (Fancy word, I know. décolletage is what is exposed on your neckline when you wear a V-neck or a blouse,) This is another facial moisturizer that I have been using before bed. Actually I kid you not I alternate between four different facial moisturizers. Lemongrass, Jasmine, Blue Tansy beauty cream and Fancy Face Serum, (I'll get to that last one later) I'm suuuper weird about my skin getting used to one specific product. So I'm always switching things up. I feel like in the past when I would find something I liked it would only work for so long, until my "face got used to it" and I started breaking out again. Switching up my routine just oh so slightly every night has done wonders in keeping my skin clear!

So, if you decide to get anything from this post, get Curology. I got this stuff probably about a year and a half ago now, and I can confidently tell you that I have not had an intense breakout since. I know I was just talking about switching up my skincare routine to keep things fresh, but this stuff. This is the exception. My one and only ride or die skincare product, and I am so dang excited to tell you about it.

Curology is an acne fighting facial cream that is 100% customized for Y-O-U and completely natural. Noooo toxic stuff in this bad boy. How it works, well, go to their site and start by taking their skincare quiz. You answer very specific skin type questions and once you reach the end they have you upload photos of your acne to their site. From there you get assigned your very own dermatologist who walks you through every step of the way from there. My facial cream has three ingredients in it. Yep. You read that right. Three. Zinc Pyrithione, (fights acne via its antibacterial and antifungal effects,) Clindamycin (antibiotic and anti-inflammatory with powerful effects against acne-causing bacteria,) and Niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3 that acts as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation, hyperpigmentation and fine lines,) each of these serves a purpose in my skin, and I know this because they explained it to me. They broke down each ingredient so I could understand what it does and why it's in there. Application? Oh, that's easy too. All you do is apply one pump of cream onto your face each night after cleansing. That's it! It is the true form of minimalistic skincare and I cannot recommend it enough!

This is a subscription that costs you $40 every two months. FORTY DOLLARS. You have to appreciate how affordable this stuff is! They have recently come out with a moisturizer and a cleanser, which I have tried out and I don't mind, however adding these to your bi-monthly order bumps it up to $60. Still, very affordable, but I just get the cream since I have a cleanser and a moisturizer (or four... heh.. heh) that work wonders for me already.

Still on the fence? That's fine, because your first bottle with them is F-R-E-E. (I guess I like spelling today?) That's right. FREE. Just pay $5 for shipping. Try it out for a month, if ya don't like it, cancel! Easy as pie.

This is the last oil that I alternate between every night along with the others that I've already mentioned. This serum is JAM PACKED with all kinds of lovely skin enhancing qualities. Now I'll be up front with you, it doesn't smell... great. I'm really not big on the smell, however I feel that's a very, very miniscule price to pay for nontoxic beauty. Especially after you read all the insane effects it has on the skin. Okay, brace yourselves, because there's a lot, but it is worth. reading.

Okay, first up. Tamanu oil. This is widely renowned for its unrivaled healing properties, and large amounts of research have proven it to be extremely effective in helping with skin issues such as scarring, minor sores/cuts, acne, rashes, and more. The tamanu tree is indigenous to Southeast Asia and natives believe it to be a sacred gift of nature. Say whaaa?

Next up, easily absorbed by the skin, Hazelnut oil is an astringent oil that is ideal for purifying and clearing the complexion. It is especially effective in balancing oil production and treating acne-prone skin.

Moving right along, rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, Neem oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat damaged skin. It is well known for its ability to rejuvenate skin cells, protect against environmental damage, prevent signs of aging, reduce inflammation, and fade the appearance of scars.

Pumpkin seed oil contains an impressive profile of nutrients, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 (in unison, these fatty acids can reduce inflammation and prevent/reverse skin damage. THIS. IS. HUGE.), antioxidants (which mitigate the spread of harmful free radicals), Vitamins A and C (anti-aging), zinc (helps to clear the skin), and more.

Sea Buckthorn oil prevents/reverses signs of aging and heals burns, cuts, and other sorts of skin inflammation. Sea Buckthorn oil contains 12 times as much Vitamin C as an orange, 3 times more Vitamin A than carrots, loads of antioxidants, and many other nutrients that are extremely effective in healing, hydrating, and regenerating skin cells.

Argan oil, I'm sure you've heard of this beauty godsend. This oil is quickly becoming a skincare staple ingredient in many personal care products, and for good reason. It's impressive nutritional profile can help to eradicate acne, under eye circles, fine lines, and sun damage while also moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

The baobab tree is known by locals in its African habitat as the "tree of life". Baobab oil is rich in vitamins A, E, and F making it an ultra nourishing and moisturizing ingredient choice.

More similar to our skin's own sebum than any other oil, Jojoba oil is a gentle and nourishing oil that's extremely effective in adding moisture back into the skin. This oil is easily absorbed and ideal for balancing oil production and banishing acne.

Pomegranate seed oil is well known for its high antioxidant levels and its ability to aid in healthy skin cell regeneration. Because of this oil's high antioxidant content, pomegranate seed oil is excellent at fighting free radicals that damage skin cells and age the skin.

A member of the same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh (two oils that are INSANELY beneficial to your skin), Elemi essential oil has been traditionally used in Europe for many years to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cypress essential oil is especially beneficial for oily or troubled skin and is well known for its ability to tighten loose skin and increase skin cell circulation, enlivening the skin and allowing it to function and detoxify properly.

Widely known for its ability to heal a vast array of undesirable skin conditions, Lavender essential oil is one of the most versatile oils used in skincare and can assist in treating conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, wounds, and more.

Recognized by many for its ability to aid in healthy skin cell regeneration + preserve the health of existing cells, Frankincense essential oil is known to restore health and vitality to damaged and/or aging skin.

Carrot Seed essential oil is rich in antioxidants that are known to repair damaged skin, reduce fine lines, and diminish skin discolorations. This potent essential oil also works to add elasticity to the skin and give the complexion a youthful glow.

Helichrysum essential oil is superior in fading age spots and skin discolorations and is especially effective at improving the appearance of sensitive skin.

Because of its powerful antibacterial properties, Thyme essential oil is extremely effective in healing acne and preventing breakouts.

aaaannd last but DEFINITELY not least, due to its detoxifying, stimulating, and purifying effects, Lemon essential oil is ideal for brightening skin tone, reducing pore size, and eradicating discolorations.

I know that was a lot, but if you actually took the time to read all of that... um... WOW?!?! Think, all those beauties jam packed into one tiny bottle. If that doesn't scream healthy glow, well, I don't know what does.

This is if any of you are looking to clean up that make up routine. Savvy Minerals is the make up brand of Young Living that contains all natural, nontoxic beauty products. They have everythaaang from mascara, to foundation, to bronzer, to lipstick! They have quite a few different options when it comes to pricing. They have a starter kit which includes your basics. Foundation, a foundation brush, blush, lip gloss, misting spray, and eyeshadow. This is $150, and you can find that here. Otherwise they sell all these products separately if you just want to try a couple out and see how they work for ya. :-)

Well friends, there ya have it! Allll my natural beauty tips thus far. If any of this stuff interests you, you can use the Primally Pure code, "sincerelymir10" to get 10% off your entire order! If you decide you want to try out Curology for free, if ya enter my name in the referral box, I get 10 dollas, at no extra charge to you, which is going STRAIGHT to the wedding budget, same goes with any Savvy Minerals products that catch your eye, if you enter in the number '17709721' when you purchase, that also gives me a lil bit of commission, also going straaaaight to the wedding. :-)

& now that I have shamelessly begged for your financial support, I leave you with this: Nontoxic skincare is. important. So dang important. Don't believe me? Download the free app, "think dirty". This is an app that allows you to scan barcodes of the items throughout your home and see all the icky stuff that they put in there, and I can tell you right now, most of it's not good. If this is something that we can take control over and make a difference in our everyday lives by doing so, why not do it? It can do nothing but help us. So, I urge you to just try it out. Pick one thing from this list and see how it goes! Before ya know it, you'll be like me and have a cabinet FULL of all things toxin free and healthyyy. :-)

Sincerely, Mir




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