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Staying Faithful in a World Full of Uncertainty.

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

Dearest Friends,

To all of my Christian, God fearing men & women out there, this letter is for you. I am here to encourage you to stay aware, and remember you are greatly loved by an almighty God who DIED for you, and continues to love you every single day. Although we may know this, we are still surrounded by people who don't understand. People that think God is a made up figure who exists only in our own mind, or that the Bible is just a large book filled with stories. Obviously this is untrue, but it's still something we as believers have to deal with, and we would be lying if we said we've never once doubted His existence in one way shape or form. So, with that being said, I would like to lay out some facts that you can revisit whenever you start to feel those doubts creep up, (and yes, I am partially talking to myself here.) assuring you that God is real and very much alive, and the incredible fact that we are surrounded by evidence in our everyday lives.

First off, this is for all you science enthusiasts out there. A fact that continues to blow my mind every time I reiterate it. The Earth that we live on is literally the perfect size. If it was any bit smaller or any bit larger it would be impossible to live on. The Earth's size along with its compatible gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, extending only about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were any smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, similar to the planet Mercury. If Earth were any larger, its atmosphere would contain what's known as "free hydrogen", similar to the planet Jupiter. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right combination of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. Going off of this study, if we were any closer, or any farther away from the sun, our planet would also be impossible to live on. Any closer to the sun, we burn to a crisp, any farther away, we freeze. I don't believe this type of accuracy happened just by chance. I believe that only somebody on a mission to create a galaxy in His own image would have that knowledge & precision. AANNND FINALLY this bringing up the idea that with how complex our planet is, it has to point to a deliberate Creator who not only created this Earth and everything around it, but continues to sustain it today. Think about it. We are able to identify Laws of Nature because they never change. How else could our Earth remain so uniform? "Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day: gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn't change -- on earth or in galaxies far from us." So, so crazy, right? All of the information for this point I found through this site. It was written by a former atheist, making it that much more intriguing to me. Somebody who denied God his entire life suddenly found peace, through the one thing he thought was a hoax.

Moving on to something a little more comprehensive, we have countless amounts of craters, canyons, and valleys, that had to come from somewhere, right? Grab your Bible and look up the account of Noah. (Genesis 6:9-9:17) in summary, God couldn't stand the wickedness that had come upon the world, so He sent a flood to destroy it. He found one righteous man, Noah, and spared him & his family. So Noah built an ark, large enough for his entire family, as well as two of every animal. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. That is a LONG TIME, and something like that is going to have some massive effects on the landscape of the earth. Like, form a canyon 1,902 miles long, or the discovery of sea creature fossils high above sea level. We are literally living in the after effects of flood. We are forever surrounded by evidence! If this is something that interests you, you can find out even more facts about the floods and how we KNOW it's real by clicking here.

Finally, have you guys ever heard of the concept entitled the, "natural knowledge of God"? This is the idea that God gave each and every human being the knowledge that God exists. He literally gave this to us so that all of us would have access to eternal life. However there are so many people in this world that push it away. They bury it deep, deep down inside of themselves until it's nearly forgotten. But it's not that easy to forget about God. He. Is. Everywhere. He has made it so apparent that He is REAL & ALIVE through all the beauty that surrounds us on this earth, (more on this here.) He's in that picture perfect sunset, He's in that breathtaking view that you see each time you hike to the top of a bluff. Once you truly open your eyes you will see that He is all around you, all the time, and you just can't help but appreciate it.

So, there you have it. Three things that will help you stay strong in your faith even on days that you can feel it waver. For endless amounts of information & facts on the Bible in correlation with the world's history, visit the site, Answers in Genesis. It has the answer to virtually any doubt you could possibly come up with. Along with this, be sure to meditate on His Word on a daily basis. You would be surprised how strong your faith can become just by setting aside five minutes out of your day to practice this.

I hope that this was somewhat helpful for those of you who tend to struggle. If you have any other questions or comments, drop them below. I'd love to chat!

Sincerely, Mir



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